Is this thing on?
Why am I doing a blog? I don’t know, couple reasons: #
- To stay relevant, keep up with technology, etc.
- There have been many late nights, standing over a broken server/puddle of my own tears, deep into some random blog post hoping to find the right fix for my problem. This is my little way of paying back to the community and to help any other overworked sysadmin out there.
- I’m pulled in so may directions that half the time I cant tell which way is up. This is my little way of recording neat fixes I find for me to look back to later, while helping the tech community at the same time!
- Self promotion, my little way of trying to stand out in the massive pool of technology professionals.
I hope this blog helps some poor schmuck someday find a solution they have been looking for, inspires someone to try something new, or to also contribute to the tech community it their own way.